Thursday, February 16, 2012

Infinite Flight RC1

Infinite Flight for iOS RC1 has been pushed to Test Flight yesterday, our beta testers are hard at work and have reported a few issues that we've worked already.

About Windows Phone 7, we haven't forgotten you guys :) We'll start beta testing the WP7 version as soon as we ship the iOS bits. Beta should be quick as we have been playing with our Mango Phones during all this time, so we don't expect any major issues.

Thanks your patience as we work through the last remaining issues!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

AltDevConf Session about Infinite Flight

We will be talking about the development of Infinite Flight at AltDevConf this coming Saturday!

Make sure you tune in if you'd like to know more about how we develop Infinite Flight and our experience porting the simulator from Windows Phone 7 to iOS. Registration is free!

There is also a Q&A at the end, it would be the perfect opportunity to ask technical questions related to the development of the simulator.

This will be a joint session with Miguel de Icaza, the CTO of Xamarin.

You can read all about the session, and sign up to attend here.